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Photo du rédacteurEmmanuel Juste

EPIC has arrived to the CFFL!

The End Poverty Innovation Challenge (EPIC), through its mission will be working, during the 2023-2024 academic year with Universities and vocational schools located in the central Plateau. Three schools form the central Plateau will be participating in the Epic Challenge this year. The one we will be talking about in this blog is CFFL (Centre de Formation Fritz Lafontant).

Through multiple visits that we had to make those past couple of weeks, We had the opportunity to sit down with Mr Reginald Cean, their director of the agriculture program, to talk about our mission and our agenda. CFFL, in its partnership with partners in agriculture, is a vocational school educating young students in Agricultural techniques in the village of Corporant, located 15 or 20 minutes outside of Mirebalais.

Their mission, as stated on their official website, is to give young Haitians the education they need to feed their communities, create jobs, and do it profitably. This mission aligns perfectly with Epic’s which is to employ the less fortunate to deliver social impact to low income communities, most of the time, their own community.

25 students from CCFL ,divided into 5 teams, will be working with us this year to create a sustainable social venture that will impact communities in the central plateau, either in the housing market, sanitation, nutrition etc. The goal is to educate post secondary students as to how social entrepreneurship can be strong pillar in today’s society where poverty tends to be the norm.

Waiting for the wheel to be set in motion, we strongly believe in the undeniable capacity of Haitian students to be the catalyst facilitating the improvement of our quality of living as a nation.

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