EPIC engages university students to create the next generation of entrepreneurs in developing social enterprises that provide solutions to poverty reduction challenges.
Our global impact
Nos demi-finalistes sont là !
6 équipes présenteront leurs idées au public et auront la chance de remporter le défi EPIC Haïti 2024.
Les équipes sont les suivantes:
EcoShield | Ecoproduction | SecureRoute
Sanipropre | AgroTrans+ | GAJA
Regardez les vidéos ci-dessous pour en savoir plus sur les équipes!:
Support our cause and change lives
Donate to the Social Ventures Foundation to help us continue providing local solutions to people affected by poverty.
With the support of
joining our vision
and with the partnership of
Epic Haiti Student
CFFL Centre Vocationnelle Fritz Lafontant
“The biggest lesson I learned from the EPIC Haiti program is that adaptability is essential to reduce poverty, create jobs and promote sustainable development. I've learned to adjust to the needs of communities and to be attentive to market trends. By remaining flexible, I can identify opportunities to improve quality of life, create jobs and support sustainable initiatives.”
Epic Haiti Student
l’Université d’Etat d’Haïti à Limonade
“Social entrepreneurship goes hand in hand with the creative and innovative strength of youth.
The epic program gives us insight into the entrepreneurial world, helping us to create project ideas”.
Epic Haiti Student
University Libres of Central Plateau
“I've learned that as professionals we are called upon, in all our achievements, to include all social classes, especially the most disadvantaged.
The EPIC program emphasizes the importance of collaboration and innovation. The greatest lesson is that interaction between different disciplines and perspectives enriches creativity and enables us to find more effective solutions to complex challenges. ”